Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cream Cheese Wonton With Avocado, Make it simple!

At restaurant, many of the customers walked in and ordering this appetizer, which we didn't have in the menu at that time. Actually, it's easy recipe for home cook. I would like to start with how to choose wonton wraps. I preferred wing hing or panda brand, which's the best. It's more crispier and crunchier than others. I simply added cream cheese and slice of avocado in the middle of wonton wraps. Closed the corner with water. Fried with low to medium heat with cover oil in the pan. Served with sweet and sour sauce. 

P.S. This dish is very popular among American kids and teenagers. They got it from Japanese restaurant. They also expect to get this item at Thai restaurant. I saw one of Thai restaurant added this item in a menu, which is one of the best sales item for this restaurant.

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